
Our fully equipped studio offers local artists an ideal environment to get started in different techniques through short workshops on demand. We also have open access for those who wish to work independently on their own projects.

Where time stops

The studio

The printmaking studio is located on the ground floor and occupies an area of ​​13 m2. On the upper floor is the drawing, sketching and design studio, which has a floor plan of 13 m2. It's provided with armchairs, stools and high desks of 60 x 80 cm.
We provide artists with tools to carry out relief and intaglio techniques and basic supplies for these processes. Paper and plates are not included but can be purchased at cost.

Radal, printmaking studio and Artist Residence


Tools and supplies



→ Kolar intaglio press with 6" diameter steel rollers (force reduction 4 to 1) and a 50 x 70 cm steel plate.

→ Workbench covered with 8mm thick glass measuring 90 x 140 cm.

Rubber rollers and brayers for ink:
→ 1 of 8 cm wide x 6 cm diameter
→ 2 of 12 cm wide x 6 cm diameter
→ 1 of 22 cm wide by 6 cm in diameter
→ several 4 cm diameter brayers of different widths

→ Graphic ink
→ Water-based inks for etching and linoleum.
→ Spatulas
→ Oil-based cleaning elements
→ Trays to soak paper
→ Ferric chloride based etching for copper plates
→ Copper sulfate based etching for iron plates

→ Assorted varnishes
→ Supplies for lithography on polyester or pronto plate

→ Cyanotype supplies

→ We also have an art library with books and magazines, and specific one with printmaking material.

Open registration Until May 02, 2025

Polyester plate lithography Workshop

Lithography on polyester, lithopolyester or “pronto plate lithography” is a less toxic printmaking technique that, unlike traditional lithography, does not require the use of a stone and is printed with an intaglio press.

Led by Marta di Bitetti

The workshop is designed for visual artists, art teachers, printmakers, designers, photographers, artisans and anyone interested in these printmaking techniques.

Lithography on polyester, Litopolyester or Pronto Plate is a less toxic printmaking technique that, unlike traditional lithography, does not require the use of stone or a lithographic press. A polyester plate is used to prepare the matrix and is printed with an intaglio press. This polyester plate can be worked on directly with pens or markers, which makes it a very attractive technique for artists and illustrators seeking to multiply their images on paper.

In the case of photolithography on polyester we can transfer a photograph to the matrix to achieve very attractive results by analog means, combining this option with direct drawing on the plate. These variants are very interesting for those who are venturing into hybrid photography and the incorporation of photographic processes in their graphic productions.